
Courses related to biogeosciences are available across campus. The intent is to collect course information (syllabus, frequency of offering) to aid students in planning their plan of study. Lists are sorted by course number, and include course offering (F = fall; Spring = S; E = Even years, O = odd years, A = every year) and AGUindex terms.

Course number,title,offering,index terms,URL

BIOL 5034,Ecosystem Dynamics,FO,Biogeochemical cycles processes and modeling; Ecosystems structure and dynamics; Modeling terrestrial ecosystems & aquatic ecosystems,-

BIOL 6064,Special Topics in Freshwater Ecology: Freshwaters in the Anthropocene,SO,global change; water quality/quantity; resilience; modeling,

BSE 5224G,Advanced Field Methods in Hydrology,FA,water quality; instruments and techniques: monitoring,

CEE 5344,Surface Water-Groundwater Interaction,in flux; next time is Spring 2017,Hydrology; water quality,-

FOR 4784/5784,Wetland Hydrology and Biogeochemistry,SA,Eco-hydrology; Nutrients and nutrient cycling; Wetlands,-

FOR 5144,Hillslope and Watershed Hydrology,SE,Catchment; Streamflow; hillslope; Eco-hydrology; Vadose zone; Groundwater transport; Isotopic composition and chemistry; Modeling; Uncertainty,

FOR 5204,Ecosystems and Climate,FE,ecosystems; climate change; carbon cycling; energy balance; climate modeling; global change,-

FOR 5354,Advanced Forest Soils,SE,Carbon cycling; Nutrients and nutrient cycling; Plant ecology,-

GEOS 5834,Chemical Hydrogeology,in flux,Water quality; instruments; monitoring,-

GEOS 6604, Advanced Topics in Hydrogeoloy. Topics vary; Biogeochemistry of contaminant transport; Karst Hydrology; Methods in Hydrogeology; Energy from Shales.